BITA issues winter fuel warning 08 January 2015

With the worst of the winter weather just around the corner, forklift trade association BITA has urged companies to ensure correct storage of fuel, particularly biodiesel and ultra low sulphur diesel.

Bob Hine, BITA's technical consultant, warned: "Incorrect storage of fuel, potentially leading to contamination, can create real problems for forklift truck operators, particularly over winter with cold weather operation. Add into this the need to ensure that the correct grade of fuel is being used for trucks, means a winter of potential risks to operational effectiveness and efficiency."

He added that key causes of contamination included water in fuel, particle contamination/poor filtration, extended storage periods, diesel microbial contamination and irregular tank maintenance.

BITA said that up to 7% of biodiesel could now be included in UK gas oil/red diesel and as biodiesel blends can absorb more water this can precipitate out of solution when the temperature changes. "This, in turn, can create the conditions for microbial contamination, the 'diesel bug', leading to sludge problems. Biodiesel also oxidises and breaks down more easily in the presence of oxygen, creating peroxides that eventually form acids, leading to formation of gums and resins which can block fuel filters."

It added: "Fuel can also be contaminated with dirt, rust, sand etc which can result from simple bad fuel handling practices and cause real damage to an engine or machine and its fuel system."

Solutions included buy from reputable sources, maintaining your tanks, keeping tanks full, limiting storage time, good temperature control, regular testing for microbes and water and using biocides to prevent the establishment of microbial contamination.

Hine concluded: "To keep your fleet operating at maximum efficiency, with minimum downtime, effective fuel storage and tank maintenance is vital. If this is matched with a meticulous adherence to the fuel grade needs of your fleet, be it brand new or of a less recent vintage, it will help ensure that the winter weather won't stop your business in its tracks."

Ian Vallely

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