Bauer industrial gearboxes deliver 1.5 million Nm torque 10 June 2013
High-torque helical, bevel-helical and planetary gearboxes designed to deliver up to 1.5million Nm of torque are now available under a new Drive Applications service, from Bauer.
"The launch of Industrial Drive Applications means we are able to extend [our] expertise to offer total power transmission packages providing efficiency, reliability and convenience of supply to our customers," states André Bubolz, director of industrial drive applications for Bauer.
He also makes the point that Bauer Gear Motor can draw on the resources of the wider Altra Group, which worldwide support and delivery of industrial clutches, brakes and couplings.
Bubolz says the combination of expertise and product range now allows Bauer to provide a solution that will not only drive, but also protect and optimise entire mechanical power transmission lines.
Brian Tinham
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Bauer GmbH
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