A first for Sellafield safety protection employees 31 July 2014
A group of Sellafield employees has celebrated being the first in the UK to graduate with a foundation degree in radiation protection.
Over the last three years, the students have been studying for their degrees at the University of Cumbria (UoC) Energus campus, at Lillyhall near Workington, while working full-time at Sellafield.
The ceremony, held recently in Carlisle Cathedral, was the culmination of years of planning and collaboration between nuclear and non-nuclear sectors, including industry, regulatory, medical, the Society for Radiological Protection (SRP) and other academic partners to develop these courses.
"Radiological protection is hugely important at Sellafield and our radiological safety staff play a key part in ensuring the radiological safety of our people and our site," states Jim Bishop, head of radiological protection at Sellafield.
"These courses support individuals with their personal development in this field of work. I congratulate all of my colleagues on their success."
The course covers the academic requirements for legal recognition by UK regulators as a radiation protection advisor or a radioactive waste adviser.
The qualification is recognised by the SRP for technical radiation protection membership status.
Brian Tinham
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