Steam Turbine and Generator User Group event22 March 2011
Building on the popular annual Steam Turbine User Group event, this event will enable those involved in the management, operation and maintenance of steam turbines and generators to discuss common problems and issues, exchange ideas, identify potential solutions and learn about new developments.
The event format will encourage open debate and problem solving, using informal presentations and discussion forums to facilitate networking and sharing of experience among the steam turbine generator community..Issues relating to steam turbines and generators for fossil, CCGT, energy from waste and industrial applications will be addressed, as well as insurance and risk. The scope will include steam turbines (including for mechanical drive), generators, condensers and auxiliary systems.
For 2011, the User Group scope has been expanded to include detailed sessions on generators, covering design and technologies, failure mechanisms, upgrades and repairs. Speakers include senior figures from Siemens, RWE npower, Alstom, Tata Steel and GE.
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