RBI: Development and Experience, One Birdcage Walk, London, UK20 October 2010
The Risk Based Inspection (RBI) process is seen as an important methodology for identifying and targeting inspection programmes. The basic premise is that the integrity of industrial plant, or other such asset, can be determined and monitored consistently by using risk-based methodologies.
Inspecting and maintaining industrial plant is vital to its safe and efficient operation. Legislation is use in some countries to force inspection and corrective actions upon plant operators. However, a Risk Based approach allows the operators to focus effort and activities in the areas where it has been assessed to be most necessary.
This one day seminar will consist of a number of presentations from organizations with experience in the operation of RBI in industrial plant. Owner/operators, 3rd party inspection organizations and the UK Regulator all have unique approaches to a seemingly straight forward concept. The day will identify areas of agreement/disagreement with the techniques and will provide valuable insight to those wishing to compare their own experiences with others. It will appeal to user inspectorates, inspection engineers and managers and pant operators.
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