Operational Optimisation: Aston, Birmingham - NEW DATE27 April 2022
The event for energy from waste and biomass plant managers. The UK's fleet of energy from waste and biomass plants range from the very modern to the significantly ageing - but they are all under pressure to reduce downtime, increase availability, improve throughput and, for many, to increase profits - and all this whilst operating safely, keeping costs down and working within a rapidly changing environment.
Added to this are the accelerating demands of decarbonisation and ever more stringent emissions regulation.
Operational Optimisation is the new, technical event designed specifically for operational decision-makers who need to drive performance excellence from their current assets.
Key topics - reducing downtime and outage; asset optimisation; implementing CCS - what it will mean for your plant; combustion optimisation; implementing BREF and what it means in real terms; managing costs whilst improving emissions control, and many more.
With networking drinks and an industry dinner on the evening of 27th April and a packed conference day on 28thth April, Operational Optimisation is an essential opportunity for all plant and technical staff to gain real value and operational wins from industry experts.
Book now at www.opopworkshop.com
Operations Engineer
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