Watson-Marlow pumps aid the recovery of rare mineral 25 September 2013

British Fluorspar, the UK's sole fluorspar producer, is reporting success with 21 peristaltic and 30 general purpose pumps, supplied by Watson-Marlow, for flotation duties at its Peak District plant.

The mine reopened in May 2012, following its closure 18 months beforehand, and, according to a spokesperson, wanted 21st century technology pumps that would be efficient, reliable, precise, low maintenance and clean.

"We knew about the peristaltic concept but, in all honesty, never had the financial backing to make the change," says the spokesperson.

"However, with the new investment we were able to take a look at the market and soon realised that Watson-Marlow were the people to approach."

Following consultation, Watson-Marlow recommended: 12 Qdos no-valve metering pumps; 30 universal pumps with flow rates from 0.1 to 500ml/min at 7 bar; eight 520UN/REL process pumps, providing flow rates up to 3,550ml/min; and a single 620UN/RE pump, covering from 0.004 to 18 litre/min.

The latter pump is used with a probe to control dosing in line with pH fluctuations. All of the pumps offer IP66 protection and NEMA 4X classification – a far cry from the equipment used prior to the site's reopening, which used a bucket and wheel feeder/proportioner approach that "was both was erratic and inaccurate", says the spokesperson.

Today, all 21 peristaltic pumps have been deployed in the flotation process, with reagents pumped up from mixing tanks into the head tank, from where they follow plastic pipes down into flotation.

Among the chemical reagents handled by the pumps are methyl isobutyl carbinol, sodium isopropyl xanthate, sodium carbonate, sodium sulphide, caustic soda pearl and sodium silicate.

"We first used the pumps in March 2013 and have been really pleased with their performance," states the spokesperson.

"At last we have equipment befitting a business such as ours. I must also add that the back-up and response from Watson-Marlow has been excellent throughout the process."

In total, British Fluorspar produces 60,000 tonnes of fluorite ore every year, extracted from 300,000 tonnes of crude product. As a by-product, limestone is discharged from the mineral and sold.

Brian Tinham

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Watson Marlow Pumps Group

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