The partnership with the MES, manufacturing execution system, firm will provide WaterWipes with access to real-time data collection.
The solution implemented by Cimlogic features TrakSYS software developed by Parsec Automation. It will be implemented on six packing lines at WaterWipes’ factory in Drogheda, Republic of Ireland.
WaterWipes was looking to install a more accurate data capture system and utilise automated information from PLCs for instant data analysis. The new solution provided by Cimlogic are said to be able to remove the internal islands of processes in the business; in so doing, they will help uncover performance losses and improve the plant’s OEE metrics. Automated information from existing PLCs will also be extracted into the system via state-of-the art artificial intelligence.
In addition, WaterWipes wanted improved visibility of performance data to allow it to pinpoint information such as loss time analysis, changeover analysis, and losses based on automated reason codes. The new OEE solution will allow error code mapping to be used to define equipment failure and root cause analysis, as well as generating automatic, meaningful data regarding top losses for real-time actionable improvement.
WaterWipes manufactures its products under clean-room conditions and the wipes undergo quality checks before, during and after production process. As a result, a solution which delivered quality compliance was crucial. Following the new implementation, quality SPC (statistical process control) will be used to collect real-time data from production equipment and present this automatically to the production team, allowing the number of processes such as inspection frequencies to be reduced. The automated quality check function will monitor and report critical quality issues, alerting team members of process variance. This will ensure the business is controlling quality, meeting compliance, and sustaining quality improvements.
Cimlogic will provide WaterWipes with an integrated OEE and quality system.
Bernard Longmore, VPe at WaterWipes, said: “The main objective of the project is to improve production efficiency. The investment is intended to provide information about production line performance, constructed in a manner to directly indicate the potential solutions required to improve efficiency. The integrated OEE system will provide consistently accurate machine loss information, which saves time for operators (replacing manual entry) and allows engineers to quickly evaluate improvements due to data accuracy.”