Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE) and the pump industry31 May 2016
In August 2018 the WEEE2 Directive will come into force in the UK. Under the existing WEEE Directive in the UK, pumps (other than garden pumps) have not been included within scope. This first revision of the Directive has now brought into play many products that were previously out of scope.
To try and clarify whether pumps will be within scope of WEEE2, the BPMA met with the UK government, under the auspices of BIS (Business Innovation & Skills) who advised the BPMA that they have been overwhelmed with the amount of items that require clarification.
As such, and to assist the decision making process for the Pump Industry in the UK, they have now requested that the BPMA write its own ‘position paper’ after fully assessing the Commission Guidance documents for both domestic and non-domestic pumps. If BIS agrees with the BPMA document, then that will be the position for pumps in the UK.
This gives the BPMA and its members an opportunity to control, or at least heavily influence, the situation on WEEE2.
Even if the UK population agree to leave the European Union on the 23rd June, it will be many years before the existing European laws are repealed, so with that in mind, the BPMA has formed a new Working Group to write the WEEE2 position paper for the pump industry.
Mark Venables
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British Pump Manufacturers Association
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