The new system is reducing water loss on the Heineken plant's concentrate stream from its borehole water treatment reverse osmosis equipment.
Approximately 30m3/h of water was not being utilised and, using Veolia's RecoBlue online calculator.
Heineken established that it could recover approximately 50% of reverse osmosis losses, at a quality of better than 120µS/cm conductivity for boiler make-up.
Veolia provided a specially configured Sirion Mega Recovery reverse osmosis unit, which requires no additional chemical dosing for conditioning prior to recovery.
With low pressure, high rejection membranes, the Sirion Mega Recovery system is also a low energy consuming plant, so minimising Heineken's carbon footprint and operating costs.
Managers for Heineken's cider mill expect to reduce the plant's water footprint by more than 130,000m3 per year and estimate that the system will pay for itself in less than four years.