Veolia helps Dwr Cymru Welsh Water to enhance sustainability through process optimisation08 July 2019
A water services contract with Veolia is now helping Dwr Cymru Welsh Water to manage and optimise process control, improve sustainability and deliver savings of more than £440,000.
As Veolia’s first UK contract to use a gain share mechanism for clean water, the three year contract provides a range of clean water management services, backed by optimisation techniques, to the company that serves 1.4 million homes and businesses in Wales.
To provide water and wastewater services to its three million customers, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water uses a 26,500 km water mains network. Under the new contract, Veolia deliver optimised process control resulting in efficient use of energy and chemicals and improved resilience, ensuring it is operated in line with today’s water industry standards. This will help the water company meet the AMP6/7 and Totex requirements.
The scope of the optimisation at Broomy Hill WTW in Hereford, and Bolton Hill WTW in Haverfordwest, was to identify, deliver and maintain cost savings throughout the Water Treatment Works focusing on energy, chemical, and water efficiencies.
By using Veolia’s own PEARL software, a holistic model of each plant was created using design data, site performance requirements, water quality and regulatory targets. The software, using operational benchmark data and expertise from over 4,500 drinking water plants operated globally by Veolia, provided a benchmarking capability that enabled the identification of £440,000 of efficiencies across the two sites.
Now the interventions have been completed, Veolia will help to sustain the savings generated ensuing all efficiencies are maintained.
Comments John Abraham, COO for UK & Ireland Water & Industrial Customers at Veolia: “Veolia’s optimisation services are now delivering real benefits through technical innovation, secure service delivery and project execution and these are driving greater efficiency for water companies. By implementing the latest water process optimisation with Dwr Cymru we are helping them to meet their regulatory and financial targets, advance sustainability and deliver the highest level of service at the lowest possible cost for their customers.”
Sustainability is also said to have been improved by more efficient operation of the water treatment plants and this has also reduced energy usage and CO2 emissions in line with Dwr Cymru Welsh Water’s environmental targets.
Adam Offord
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