Variable speed compact compressor has what it takes for MoldTech 18 October 2013

Automotive contract manufacturer MoldTech has adopted variable-speed, oil-injected rotary screw compressor technology to meet its clean air production requirements.

The firm, which specialises in the fabrication of prototype tools, cubing, and design models, requires air for everything from air guns and grinding tools to a CNC lathe and a new five-axial milling machine.

MoldTech managing director Gunter Muhlbacher explains that the firm selected Atlas Copco's GA 18 VSD FF compressor, because it meets the firm's stringent demands for clean, dry compressed air.

"It is cleanliness and dryness that are the defining components of our air supply," explains Muhlbacher.

"Due to the varying needs of our production, we have naturally chosen a variable speed-controlled compressor because of its effectiveness and cost efficiency," he adds.

The compressor selected is compact and automatically adjusts airflow to match demand, with resulting energy savings claimed at 35 % on average. Further, its integrated refrigerant dryer reduces water content while downstream pipe filters remove remaining dirt.

Currently, the compressed air requirement at full operation for all production machines is 2.4m3/min. MoldTech specified a design capacity to cover demands of 0.95 to 3.6 m3/min, so the manufacturer expects its new compressor to last well into the future.

Brian Tinham

Related Companies
Atlas Copco UK Holdings Ltd

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