UK health and safety culture needs care 27 September 2011
HM Government's comments and actions, particularly around reducing the burden of health and safety legislation, and curtailing the HSE's ability to inspect organisations, while closing its help lines, may well undermine the UK's safety infrastructure.
That's the warning from the British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF), whose chief executive, David Lummis, who worries about the message this sends to the wider market and its workforce.
"The BSIF agrees that it is critical that health and safety is proportionate to the risk, and that the legislation be appropriate," states Lummis.
"[But] reducing the burden shouldn't mean increasing the risks and injuries suffered. Obviously, this is not the government's intention, but the messages being delivered by the current changes may create unwanted attitudes," he continues.
Lummis urges industry to be vigilant and to encourage the government to highlight the positives in health and safety. "We realise the government is trying to reduce red tape, make industries more competitive and encourage entrepreneurship. Just let's not do that to the detriment of workers' health and wellbeing."
And he concludes: "The culture we create will dictate the importance and stature of health and safety. We all need to be positive and proactive."
Brian Tinham
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British Safety Industry Federation
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