UK generator manufacturer wins two top awards28 October 2013

Kent-based Cummins Power Generation has won two awards at the Best Factory Awards 2013.

Cummins Power Generation of Manston picked up trophies for most improved plant and the inaugural export award, with the judges citing outstanding shopfloor productivity, lead and delivery times, and customer service.

Initiatives highlighted for praise include: a process to improve on-time delivery (OTD), which now stands at 100%; a robust employee safety procedure that has seen incidents cut to zero; and the standardisation and automation of the manufacturing process which has replaced bay builds with multi-stage flow lines and introduced touchscreen work stations.

The business was also recognised for its overseas trade operations. Last year, Cummins Power Generation exported more than 96% of its products to 182 countries, with the Middle East, China and Australia among the prime destinations. Its service team offers 19 languages to ensure high levels of customer service.

Marco Carini, plant manager, says: "The whole team has been working towards this goal as part of our five-year strategy to make the Kent plant world class in all aspects of operational excellence.

"UK businesses still play a huge role in the worldwide export market and Cummins Power Generation Kent beat off strong competition from Fujifilm and Sony to win the inaugural export award. This is a great achievement and highlights our outstanding results in shipping our products all across the globe."

Pictured (left to right): Craig Thomas, operations leader; Steph McGovern, BBC presenter and awards host; and Nik Smirnovs, HHP flowline operator.

Laura Cork

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Cummins Power Generation Ltd

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