Time to get serious about pressure system safety, warns Thorite 28 June 2011
Fluid power specialist Thorite is reminding plant engineers and managers of their duties under PSSR to comply with standards and inspection regimes for all pressure systems, including compressed air, steam, gas or any combination.
The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations require a system of control for the design, manufacture and installation of pressure systems, as well as the preparation of a 'written scheme of examination', specifying items for examination, frequency of examination and how the equipment is to be examined.
Thorite makes the point that a suitably qualified staff member can be chosen as the 'competent person' as defined by the regulations, but adds that this can be onerous and time-consuming, and that many find themselves on a steep learning curve.
"Any company that would rather not risk the pitfalls of preparing their own scheme can turn to Thorite for expert assistance," says a spokesperson.
"As the UK's biggest compressed air products and process systems distributor, Thorite can provide fully competent engineers to carry out all work required in the design, planning and drawing up of the scheme – and schedule subsequent regular examinations and record keeping."
Brian Tinham
Related Companies
Thorite Bradford Ltd
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