Time is running out for compressed air dryers 26 October 2011
New environmental regulations mean that many compressed air dryer are about to become redundant.
That is the warning from Thorite Capital Equipment, which makes the point that more than 40% of dryers currently use HCFC R22 gas – and, under new F-Gas regulations (a re-cast of Ozone Regulation EC/1005/200G) only recycled product can be used, which is running out.
That means that, if your dryers break down, with all the consequences this would have in terms of operating efficiency, you might be stuck.
Worse still, recycled R22 will be banned from the end of 2014. Virgin R22 gas was banned last year and, since July this year, all installations with refrigeration dryers using 3kg or more of HCFCs must be inspected by a qualified engineer every 12 months.
Thorite is offering to send a member of its Capital Equipment Team to worried plants, and to quote for replacement dryers and by-pass systems.
Brian Tinham
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Thorite Bradford Ltd
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