Tank farm automation eased by Emerson’s smart radar tank gauging 25 September 2012
Tank farm automation has become easier, faster and less costly following the integration of Emerson Process Management's Rosemount Raptor tank gauging systems and smart wireless technology.
Emerson is claiming a 50% reduction in system installation costs due to the use of wireless connections to the control room – while implementation time falls by as much as 60%.
The Raptor system with smart wireless technology includes Rosemount tank gauging components, including radar gauges based on self-configuring, two-wire, high speed Foundation fieldbus technology.
The It forms a network of digital intelligence that the firm claims improves inventory management, loss control, overfill avoidance, and maintenance efficiency throughout the plant.
"The wireless-empowered tank gauging systems are effective in new installations or for upgrading existing sites," states Mikael Inglund, technical product manager, Emerson Process Management.
"Our customers struggle with the costs of replacing aged wiring, obsolete measurement instruments and proprietary gauging systems," he continues.
"Our wireless Raptor systems give them the flexibility and freedom to implement an effective modernisation strategy."
Brian Tinham
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