Swedish heavy rail locomotives to be renovated with help from Vysus12 January 2021
Specialist consultancy Vysus Group (formerly Lloyds Register Energy), the global engineering and technology company, has been selected to support international mining and mineral group, Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB (LKAB), in the modernisation of its fleet of 18 iron ore transportation locomotives, which use the Ore Railway in Sweden all year round.
The locomotives have been designed to transport extremely heavy loads and are the world's strongest locomotives. The modernisation of the trains, which transport iron ore from LKAB’s mining operations in Malmfälten in the north of Sweden to the shipping ports of Luleå and Narvik several times each day, will include upgrades to the onboarding and signalling systems.
The one-year contract, worth a six-figure sum, was awarded to Vysus Group in November 2020 and has options to extend up until 2026. It is anticipated that that project will take up to six years to complete.
Vysus Group will be responsible for the provision of engineering, risk management and regulatory approvals services. This will ensure the work carried out under the modernisation programme meets regulatory and legal requirements, and complies with the European Commission’s Common Safety Methods (CSM). The CSM provides a legal and mandatory framework for the evaluation and assessment of risk associated with engineering, operational and organisational changes to railways.
Mikael Krydzinski, senior consultant at Vysus Group, said: “The modernisation of LKAB’s fleet of locomotives is an important part of its transformation as it commits to creating sustainable growth before 2045. We are pleased that Vysus Group has been chosen as LKAB’s partner to shore up its critical transportation operations, and to help make them safer, more efficient and environmentally friendly.”
Operations Engineer
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