SUSI submarine robot enables successful visual inspection at Ascó Nuclear Power Plant03 August 2018
Framatome, a designer and supplier of nuclear steam supply systems and nuclear equipment, has successfully performed a complete visual inspection of the tube bundle top structure of a steam generator in the Spanish nuclear power plant at Ascó Unit 2.
The team at Framatome used the underwater inspection submarine system SUSI.
The small, remote-controlled submarine navigates the primary circuit, as well as the steam generator’s secondary side of nuclear power plants and is equipped with technology for various applications.
Such inspections aim to confirm the system integrity and the safety of the plant’s operation.
Says Catherine Cornand, senior executive vice-president of Framatome’s installed base business unit: “This success shows our ability to perform complex inspections in nuclear power plants of all designs, anywhere in the world. Moreover, it is an important step in strengthening our presence in the Spanish market.”
The Spanish nuclear power plant Ascó is operated by ANAV, Asociación Nuclear Asco-Vandellos. It consists of two pressurized water reactors. Asco 1 started operating in 1984 and has an installed net capacity of 1031 MWe, while Asco 2 started in 1986 with an installed net capacity of 1027 MWe.
Adam Offord
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