Sulzer supports large-scale carbon capture project 24 May 2024

Sulzer carbon capture plant Japan (Image credit: AdobeStock by Justlight)

Sulzer’s mass transfer equipment will be used at a carbon capture plant in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan, to support the decarbonisation of a chemical manufacturer.

Sulzer will supply column internals and packing for the entire commercial-scale capture process. This includes the direct contact cooler, absorber, and regenerator columns with the largest internal diameter measuring 2.8 m (approx. 9.2 ft).

The units will feature MellapakCC structured packing, AYPlusDC structured packing, and tailored column internals designed to maximize performance when capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from flue gases.

According to Sulzer, these solutions minimise pressure drop and solvent emissions, reducing the plant’s capital and operational expenses as well as its environmental footprint.

Prior to the selection of the mass transfer equipment, Sulzer conducted an in-house feasibility, pilot-scale testing, and pre-engineering services to develop an effective setup. In addition, the company will support the installation of the column internals and structured packing through its expert and localised Tower Field Service offering.

Sulzer Chemtech division president Uwe Boltersdorf said: “Our carbon capture solutions are being leveraged worldwide to help create a carbon neutral future. We are extremely proud to support such a key decarbonization project in Japan. Through our advanced testing capabilities, we were able to develop the most suitable design for this specific application, ultimately maximising the carbon emission reduction potential of the plant.

When it came to specifying the equipment, the customer was truly captivated by the capabilities of our separation technologies, in particular the MellapakCC structured packing, which is unique in the marketplace. We also received extremely positive feedback about the collaboration and look forward to completing this project and supporting similar ventures in the future.”

Operations Engineer

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