Stalbridge Linen rolls out TLV’s pressure reducing controls 21 October 2011
Following trials of a TLV Euro Engineering steam pressure reducing system at its Sturminster Newton site two years ago, laundry firm Johnsons Stalbridge Linen Services has now installed seven at its UK plants.
Each of the four laundries (three in Dorset and one in Glasgow) uses steam at 10bar for roller ironers, through which linen is passed for drying and ironing.
Johnsons Stalbridge Linen, site engineering manager Richard Sparkes explains that in recent years the plant has been receiving more synthetic-based linen products – resulting in a need to reduce steam pressure to 6—8bar to achieve the lower temperature required.
"Not only did we want the control and switch between pressures to be quick and easy for our operators, it couldn't affect any other steam-related processes," says Sparkes.
"TLV's engineers recommended installing the combined valve, trap and separator arrangement of its CV-COS coupled with a pressure sensor and controller on the steam branch line immediately before the roller ironer," he continues.
"The setup worked first time: we haven't looked back and were so impressed that the system has now been rolled out across all Stalbridge Linen sites."
TLV Euro Engineering's CV-COS automatically controls pressure, temperature or the flow rate of steam, and removes condensate at a separation efficiency rate up to 98%. The electro-pneumatic pressure reducing valve adds a control function to a range that already combines a pressure reducing valve, separator and steam trap in one compact unit.
Brian Tinham
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