Speedy says suppliers must shape up or ship out 07 June 2011
Plant rental firm Speedy has launched a sustainability strategy under which its suppliers are being warned to prove their environmental credentials or risk losing out.
Dubbed One Plan, Speedy's call to action combines services, supplier incentives and internal initiatives that the firm says will enable contractors to reduce carbon emissions, improve health and safety and increase efficiency.
Services provided include the Green Options product range, a sustainability consultancy, fuel management, energy and carbon reduction and waste assurance services.
Andy Connor, supply chain director at Speedy, says that suppliers have been invited to join. "We're not just going to help customers improve their sites. We're also going to encourage our suppliers to do the same by providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to improve their businesses – and make best practice in these areas a condition of working with us."
Brian Tinham
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Speedy Hire plc
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