Specialist steel is on track for Holme tunnel 02 December 2013

Network Rail is currently carrying out major engineering work to strengthen and repair the 250m long Holme Tunnel, between Hebden Bridge and Burnley – using unusual fabricated structural steel arches.

Nearly 100 of these elegant but extremely strong arches are being made to fit inside the tunnel, which has been pushed out of shape over the years since the original build.

The main contractor for the structural steelwork is Barnshaws, which specialises in cold bending large sections of structural steel and pipe, and is working with fabricator ECS Engineering Services, which had the capacity to produce the steel arch supports.

By using a trusted supplier to weld, assemble and finish the structural steel arches, the primary contractor was able to outsource a key part of the project, allowing it to concentrate on sourcing the materials and components and the bending part of the process.

"The final elements of this part of the Holme tunnel project will be despatched from ECS in December," comments ECS Fabrication drector John Cotterill.

"By operating a delivery and collect service between the main contractor and ECS, the efficiency of moving the materials around has also been maximised."

Brian Tinham

Related Companies
Barnshaw`s Bending Centre Ltd
ECS Engineering Services Ltd

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