SKF launches new railway condition monitoring package17 January 2019
SKF has launched a rail-focused version of its Multilog IMx platform – combining rolling stock and track condition monitoring in a single customised solution.
Available for OEM installation and as a retrofit solution, the Multilog IMx-Rail offers advance warning of rolling stock rotating part issues on wheel bearings, gearboxes and motors, as well as data collection from other components.
SKF says that the system can also provide a track health map with line faults located, identified and recorded with accuracy.
The Multilog IMx-Rail system can also be integrated with SKF’s Cloud services for data storage, data sharing and for SKF Remote Diagnostic Services.
Comments SKF railway segment manager Filip Rosengren: “Maintenance costs are the single biggest concern for the industry, due to aging train fleets and the increasing need for train availability. With IMx-Rail, operators can reduce life cycle costs, prevent on track failures and better plan maintenance. As rail traffic increases, the role of digitalisation and condition monitoring solutions, such as the Multilog IMx-Rail, will become increasingly more important to extend maintenance intervals and boost rolling stock efficiency.”
Adam Offord
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