Bogie lifters invade Lincoln19 August 2020
Sheffield manufacturer Mechan has extended its portfolio of rail depot handling equipment after developing a new product for Siemens Mobility.
Bogie lifters work in synchronised pairs to grip a rail bogie frame securely and lift it to a desired height, within a fine tolerance. They are designed to allow maximum clearance around the frame, giving operators access to all areas when dismantling and reassembling the unit. Siemens Mobility approached Mechan to tender for a set to replace aging equipment and the two firms worked together to perfect the design, ensuring it provided maximum efficiency and safety.
A set of 22 were installed at Siemens Mobility in Lincoln in August, where they will be used to service bogies from the Eurostar, Desiro and Thameslink trains. It is the first time Mechan has supplied this location, although its equipment is in use at eight of the firm’s other UK facilities.
Lindsey Mills, Mechan’s sales manager, said: “Many depots use bogie rotators to raise a frame and they have been a staple in our product portfolio for many years, but we are pleased to now be offering the sector a cost-effective alternative, when there is no need for the bogie to revolve.”
William Dalrymple
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