Sellafield scoops eight RoSPA safety awards 30 April 2015
Sellafield has won eight awards in the RoSPA Occupational Health and Safety Awards 2015, following its best ever safety performances.
"It makes me very proud to be able to say that, despite being one of the most complex nuclear sites in the world, we are also one of the safest, and that is not by chance," says Sellafield's head of safety, Pete Oldfield.
"As one of the largest industrial sites in Europe with some unique challenges, our attention to detail and relentless focus on delivering our mission safely means we have an excellent safety record," he continues.
"To have this recognised publicly through the eight RoSPA awards is a fantastic achievement. I am proud of our employees and our supply chain's continuing efforts towards improving safety, and want to thank them for delivering safe operations."
The eight awards – five gold and three silver – will be presented during a ceremony in London on 16 June 2015.
Brian Tinham
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