Scottish Minister opens ABB’s new Aberdeen service centre 19 November 2013
Fergus Ewing, Scottish Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism, opened ABB's new facility in Aberdeen, Scotland yesterday (18 November 2013), following its £3.5 million upgrade.
The Altens site is the headquarters for the power and automation technology firm's UK service businesses, bringing together its oil and gas, and marine services, spare parts and logistics, turbocharging and consulting – which have seen 30% growth, with more recruitment forecast for next year.
The new site in includes a teaching centre for employees and customers, an automation build and test staging area and upgraded turbocharger workshops.
"We are now building the capacity and technology to support our customer base with advanced services across a more comprehensive portfolio of local services," states Mike Crawford, regional service manager, Northern Europe and head of the Aberdeen facility.
"This enables us to deliver more and new value to our customers, recognising the different requirements for supporting new and ageing assets," he continues.
"The wide variety of products and technology installed offshore and the difficulty in gaining access for training purposes requires us to train our engineers in a controlled environment. The staging and learning facilities are ideally suited for this purpose and helps strengthen the resource pool of competent and highly skilled engineers to better serve the customer base."
Brian Tinham
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