Record-breaking traverser for Port of Felixstowe 21 June 2013

Heavy lifting specialist Mechan has installed the largest capacity rail traverser in the UK – to move freight locomotives between lines at the Port of Felixstowe's new North Rail Terminal.

The Sheffield-based manufacturer's traverser weighs 90 tonnes, has a capacity of 170 tonnes, measures 30 metres in length – and was built to main contractor Volker Fitzpatrick's requirements.

Mechan engineering director Martin Berry says it took almost 12 months to design and build, and explains that it has been built to handle future locomotives, widely expected to be larger than today's trains.

"Installation of this traverser was a real landmark occasion for us," comments Berry. "It has been such a huge undertaking, not only because of its size, but also in terms of the technological developments within its design."

And he adds: "We were very pleased to secure the contract with Felixstowe in the face of stiff competition from a Dutch supplier, and look forward to seeing the new terminal in operation very soon."

The €37 million North Rail Terminal is set to boost capability at the Port of Felixstowe by 100%. The project has included the installation of 10 kilometres of new track, terminating at the Mechan traverser, increasing the external rail network's capacity by 25%.

The record-breaking structure was delivered complete to site by Leicester Heavy Haulage.

Brian Tinham

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Mechan Ltd

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