Quick guide to CRC Energy Efficiency scheme published 22 December 2011
A free Quick Guide to the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme has been published by Ener-G and Cornwall Energy Associates to help plant managers reduce the impact of the new energy tax that will apply to larger energy users in 2012.
Under the CRC, energy intensive organisations will be required to buy allowances from the government to cover emissions from 2011 to 2012 at a price equivalent to £12 per tonne of CO2, which could add an extra 0.65p/kWh to electricity costs and 0.22p/kWh to gas costs.
CRC affects all public and private sector organisations consuming more than 6,000MWh/year through their half-hourly electricity meters. This equates to approximately £500,000 plus energy spend per year. Between them, these organisations are believed to be responsible for 10% of all UK carbon emissions.
Mark Alston, general manager for Ener-G procurement, makes the point that the CRC scheme does not affect organisations already subject to Climate Change Agreements or the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. Organisations with at least one half-hourly meter that consumed less than 6,000MWh in 2008 must make an information disclosure but are not required to participate, he explains.
"Important changes to the CRC for next year are still being finalised by the government, which should simplify the scheme. Meanwhile, it is crucial that organisations take preparatory steps now to measure and manage their energy use," states Alston.
"What is clear is that failure to prepare will lead to reputational damage from poor rankings in the CRC league table, additional cost from the CRC tax itself and heavy fines for non-compliance," he continues.
"The guide explains what is coming next from the CRC scheme and the steps organisations can take to boost their CRC performance."
Brian Tinham
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