Poor confidence in gas monitoring systems found 10 October 2012
Less than one third (32%) of managers are very confident that the gas detectors in their workplaces actually work.
That's among the shocking findings of industry-wide research into gas detection in the workplace, commissioned by electrochemical-sensors manufacturer Analytical Technology (ATI).
Other conclusions show that, despite ranking the frequency of gas detectors most important, two in five managers believe their systems are not tested regularly enough.
The study also reveals a lack of consistency regarding what constitutes a reliable gas detection set-up.
When asked about the procedure if all the gas detectors in a plant failed, alarmingly, almost a quarter of managers would carry on as normal.
In stark contrast, only 8% of their workforce would continue in the potentially dangerous working environment.
Further, while 80% of factory and plant workers are concerned about the risks that gas poses in their workplace, they are in many cases unaware if there are even gas detectors in place.
"In order to minimise risks and ensure safety in the workplace, it is necessary to implement reliable gas detection systems with the ability to automatically test themselves to ensure they are working," comments Michael Strahand, general manager for Europe at ATI.
"The research allows us to get an insight into the most important issues in the industry and enables us to tackle these with our AutoTest monitoring technology," he adds.
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Brian Tinham
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