UK designs for next generation nuclear reactors are on track 03 February 2011
The HSE's Nuclear Directorate and the Environment Agency are continuing their design assessment of two nuclear reactor types likely to be developed in the UK.
They are EDF and Areva's UK EPR and Westinghouse's AP1000. The work will allow nuclear regulators to assess the designs before construction begins, specifically identifying issues as early as possible.
Kevin Allars, the Nuclear Directorate's programme director for nuclear new build, says that while his organisation and the Environment Agency expect to complete their assessments, as planned, in June, some limited additional work will be required beyond that date – although "no showstoppers have been identified".
Subject to progress on some key areas in the next few months, HSE expects to be able to issue interim design acceptance confirmations for both designs.
"While I don't underestimate the significant amount of work both we and the requesting parties need to do, I'm confident that we will complete a meaningful assessment by the end of June," comments Allars.
"The work we are doing is extremely important for the UK energy market and it's equally important that we do our job effectively and efficiently in order to fulfil our mission as robust and independent regulators, securing the protection of people and society from the hazards of the nuclear industry" he adds.
Brian Wall
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