EDP says goodbye to 1970s oil-fired power station 14 September 2010
European energy operator EDP is set to begin a major decommissioning and demolition project, with the clearance of its 7-hectare power plant in Barreiro, Portugal.
The oil-fired station, which ran from 1977 to last year, was EDP's largest thermal cogeneration power plant and one of the group's oldest. The old unit has already been replaced by a modern CHP power plant on the same site.
The project will include the demolition of large structures, including a 1,000m oil and steam pipeline, engine room, boiler, steam turbines, pumping station and two on-site reservoir tanks, each measuring 7,500m3.
UK-based specialist consulting engineers RVA Group has helped EDP prepare a detailed project specification and tender documentation, and will be involved in contractor selection programme.
"EDP needed someone with extensive experience on demolition projects of power plants," explains EDP engineering coordinator for D&D projects, Antonio Luis Alfonso.
Commenting on the project, RVA's managing director Richard Vann says: "A large-scale project of this nature requires a significant amount of planning. EDP has acknowledged the need to carry out the work to the highest standards, with Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) management a priority. They have recognised that to do this, they need the specialist experience and assistance that RVA can provide."
Brian Tinham
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