Alistair Darling takes time out to visit Schneider Electric23 April 2010
Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling paid a visit to Schneider Electric's manufacturing plant in Telford, on the same day Labour unveiled its manifesto for the general election.
Rodney Turtle, strategic marketing director from Schneider Electric, explains that the minister gained of the manufacturer's approach to energy management – and how government policy might be used to achieve greater energy saving and environmental benefits.
As part of the visit, Darling was taken on a site tour to see Schneider Electric's products in operation, as part of its own energy efficiency on plant – touring metering, lighting controls, building management systems and variable speed drives.
"This was a significant day for Schneider Electric and illustrates our strength as an influencer in the field of energy management," comments Turtle.
"The visit from Alistair Darling provided us with an opportunity to talk about viable options that will help the government meet its climate change targets to lower carbon emissions and improve the UK's environmental performance," he adds.
Brian Tinham
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