Revolvo slashes large bearing lead times by 400% 03 August 2010
Revolvo's investment in two CNC grinding machines has improved throughput of large solid bearings (over 500mm) by more than 400%, cutting lead times from the industry average of 18—24 months, to 24 weeks.
The two new GER vertical grinding machines, costing almost £1 million, enable Revolvo to increase its throughput of bearings up to 1,500mm OD.
"Previously, we didn't have the space to accommodate new machine stock, but with our new factory we now have space in abundance to expand," explains Adrian Menzies, Revolvo's sales and marketing director.
"Our original requirement was for just one GER machine, the RTV1500, but the capacity of this machine was fully booked for six- months by the time it arrived. With such a growth in business, we had no hesitation in placing an immediate order for the RTV1000 to take on the extra workload," he adds.
Both machines are now booked to capacity until December 2010, and Menzies is expecting to make further investments at the end of the year.
"Previously, we used a manual machine for grinding bearings up to 1,400mm," he explains. "However, this required highly-skilled operators, which simply do not exist in the UK any more. The GER machines integrate this skill, eliminating the problem of manual skill shortages."
Brian Tinham
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Revolvo Ltd
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