Five arrests follow Tracker plant recovery 08 September 2010
A forklift stolen from Thurrock Hospital in Essex was found within four hours by Hertfordshire police, who worked with Tracker to identify its location on a farm.
Police made a total of five arrests, and also recovered three other suspected stolen plant vehicles.
"When we received a phone call from the hirers at Thurrock Hospital alerting us of the theft, we notified Tracker straight away," states Becky Turner, Sweeper Division Controller at MAP Plant.
"The Tracker contact was very helpful, and managed the situation extremely well. He told me that the Tracker device had been activated and that he would keep me updated on the progress of the recovery. Less than four hours later, we were notified that Hertfordshire police had located the truck on a nearby farm and made five arrests."
Stuart Chapman, police relationship manager for Tracker, adds: "In this particular case, the vehicle in question was found in a nearby farm yard, along with three other vehicles suspected to be stolen.
"A case like this demonstrates how Tracker goes far beyond the basic capabilities of the system. It really is essential for plant hire companies to take extra measures in securing their vehicles. Doing this can reduce insurance costs and increase the likelihood of a stolen vehicle being recovered."
Brian Tinham
Related Companies
Tracker Network (UK) Ltd
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