Bakery first to benefit from new British-made paving 21 July 2010
An innovative British-manufactured paving system, involving recycled plastics, has had its first major application at a North West bakery.
The clip-together ADpave 40-Flex from ADP was installed in a car park at the Frank Roberts & Sons Bakery in Northwich, Cheshire.
Lichfield-based engineering design and project management specialist Lorien Engineering had overall responsibility for the site modernisation project, which includes a new 3,000m² distribution centre, and worked with ADP Surface Solutions on the design of the car park.
"Sustainability and environmental compliance are at the forefront of our design philosophy," comments Lorien project manager Phil Colquhoun. "For these reasons, we decided on a gravel retention system for the parking bays and, following trials, we opted for the new ADpave 40 pavers."
Drainage from the parking bays was an important consideration, he oints out, and the new paving system, which complies with SUDS guidelines, has been designed to form part of an integrated water management system for the Roberts Bakery site.
"ADpave 40 has provided a very low-cost, quality solution that met all our criteria: the fact that the system is produced from recycled plastics is a bonus," says Colquhoun.
The system itself consists of ADP GeoGrid 30 laid over the sub-soil, with a low-fines sub-base consolidated above it. The ADpave 40 pavers are then installed and backfilled with washed gravel.
Brian Tinham
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Lorien Engineering Solutions
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