Towerlight takes Speed green innovation award06 August 2010
Towerlight's VT-1 Eco lighting tower, launched earlier this year in the UK, has won the Product Innovation of the Year award for 2010, from plant and equipment rental firm Speedy.
The judges were impressed by its energy efficiency features, which include intelligent sensors that automatically switch the lights on and off depending on brightness.
Tests to date have demonstrated that 12 VT-1 Ecos can create operator time, fuel and carbon savings of more than £4,300 per month on an average site.
Andy Connor, supply chain director at Speedy, said: "The VT-1 Eco is an excellent example of how a product used every day on sites can be made to work far more efficiently."
Speedy launched its award scheme this year as part of its GO (Green Option) Initiative, which gives users independently verified energy efficiency data on certain products.
"We see it as our responsibility to make a product like this available to customers as well as to encourage manufacturers to develop innovative new designs. This is what the awards are all about," comments Connor.
Brian Tinham
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Speedy Hire plc
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