50 days left to register for CRC, warns Environment Agency 11 August 2010
Figures published today by the Environment Agency show that less than one third of the relevant organisations have registered for the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme to date.
Although more than 1,200 have registered – between them reporting over half the electricity consumption expected to be included within the scheme – that leaves several thousand potentially facing fines and embarrassment.
The Agency is warning that large businesses and public sector organisations now have just 50 days left to register for the mandatory scheme, as the September 30 deadline looms.
Early projections estimated that up to 5,000 organisations would be obliged to register for CRC. However, revised figures now indicate that the number is more likely to be between 3,000 and 4,000. The Environment Agency explains that many relevant businesses are owned by larger conglomerates that can provide combined registrations.
But time is running out, and Tony Grayling, head of climate change and sustainable development at the Environment Agency, says: "We would urge the remaining businesses to sign up now, and not leave registration to the last minute. Our dedicated CRC helpdesk is available to help businesses through the registrations process.
Brian Tinham
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Environment Agency
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