Watford commercial cleaning site saves 25kW with new compressor25 August 2010
Watford Launderers & Cleaners is reporting "substantial energy savings" from its replacement industrial-scale compressor system, financed by a 0% Carbon Trust business loan.
The Watford-based commercial laundry uses air for a range of equipment, such as pneumatically operated washing machines and sheet folders.
Engineering manager Steve Haddow says that, until recently, demand was being met by an Atlas Copco GA55C screw compressor in tandem with another 55kW machine.
However, Atlas Copco carried out an energy audit, using its iiTrak data logger, and recommended replacing the second, single-speed machine with one of its GA37VSD compressors, abler to match motor speed and air output to fluctuating demand.
Payback would be less than two years and, with a clear carbon footprint reduction, the site was able to secure an interest-free loan from the Carbon Trust for the new GA37VSD compressor and its ancillary equipment.
Haddow says air demand for the site is now met by running the single Atlas Copco GA37VSD with the GA55C machine as a 100% stand-by source.
"The set-up is running very well and is already saving energy and money by matching the air delivered to the actual demand of the site," he states.
And he explains that, on a typical maximum throughput operation for the laundry plant, the GA37VSD compressor runs at 60% of the full load, so saving around 25kW compared to operating the old fixed speed machine for the same demand.
Brian Tinham
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Atlas Copco Compressors
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