Plant & Asset Management 2014 gets IPlantE nod 14 November 2013
IPlantE, the plant engineering professional sector of SOE (the society of Operations Engineers), is supporting next year's Plant & Asset Management show, at the NEC, Birmingham, from 8—10 April 2014.
The exhibition – which is aimed at plant, works and maintenance engineers – is designed to cover the latest in condition monitoring, health and safety, training, CMMS, energy efficiency, handling and storage, and related products and services.
Next year will be particularly busy for engineers, as the event will be co-located with Air-Tech, Drives & Controls, Fluid Power & Systems, European Offshore & Energy, MACH and National Electronics Week.
Few details are available yet, but the free seminar programme will include a talk by Peter Walsh, new CEO of the SOE, who will explain the value to managers, engineers and technicians of joining a professional institution.
"It ensures you're taken seriously as a professional engineer within your industry," states Walsh.
"Members not only receive recognition for their professional skills and expertise through post-nominals and professional registration, but they also have the opportunity to shape best practice and influence policy and legislation, ultimately shaping the future of their industry," he continues.
"Come along and find out how membership of IPlantE and professional registration with the Engineering Council and Society for the Environment can give you a strong voice within your industry," he adds.
Brian Tinham
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Society of Operations Engineers
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