Paper plant gets 25% air uplift 01 November 2009
Stationery manufacturer Sinclairs says it has improved its site compressed air efficiency 25%.
Chief engineer Bryan Green explains that air is used to power print machines at Sinclairs' Yorkshire plant, and that a site survey demonstrated significant potential from replacing its ageing compressors.
Green authorised upgrading to Boge CL7 and S29 screw compressors, with Trinity energy management – the transducer-operated changeover switch that automatically optimises pressure cascading.
"We already had a Boge compressor powering one of the machines and we were impressed with it – especially how quiet it was," says Green.
And he adds: "Since the equipment has been installed … the results have been very pleasing, confirming that we have improved system efficiency by 25%, as estimated."
Brian Tinham
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Boge Compressors Ltd
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