Oliver Twinsafe valves installs Hodge Clemco blast room 14 March 2011
Specialist pipeline valves manufacturer Oliver Twinsafe has upgraded its production facilities, with a self-contained Enviraclean blast room with abrasive recovery system and sound insulation from Sheffield-based Hodge Clemco.
The firm's valves are designed to provide double-block and bleed capabilities in a compact design, typically providing the same capability as standard valves that require twice the space. For many years, however, surface preparation was carried out by sub-contractors off site, which required extra handling of the valves, some weighing five tonnes.
The new blast room is located beneath a canopy outside the factory beside the main production area, making it is convenient and efficient, while avoiding potential problems of noise or dust.
Air inlet ducts and exhaust air outlets have also been positioned to ensure effective cross-draught ventilation within the room to provide good visibility.
Media used for surface preparation is either aluminium oxide or garnet, which is projected by a 2452 SGV blasting machine via a 10mm ID tungsten-carbide-lined nozzle.
The nozzle is designed to maintain maximum blasting velocity, uniform abrasive distribution and high work-rate over a long operating life, and the system includes a fail-safe dead-man's handle, water separator/air filter and convenient dial-type air pressure regulator.
Brian Tinham
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Oliver Twinsafe Valve Ltd
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