Non-compliant circulator pumps remain a concern27 October 2015

British Pump Manufacturers Association British Pump Manufacturers Association

Notwithstanding the efforts of the British Pump Manufacturers Association (BPMA) over the past two years to ensure action was taken to deal with the issue of non ErP Directive compliant Circulators appearing on the UK market, it is apparent the matter is still of major concern.

Accordingly the BPMA met with the Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO) during the summer in an attempt to put further pressure on the National Measurement Regulatory Office (NMRO) - the UK Market Surveillance Authority in regard to the Energy Related Products Directive - to take appropriate action. The NMRO duly responded and as a consequence the BPMA, along with several CEO’s of affected BPMA member companies, met with the NMRO in September to tackle the on-going issue of illegal products being placed on the UK market.

Regrettably the outcome of the meeting was disappointing with still nothing being achieved in regard to the removal of illegal products from the market. The NMRO were not prepared to disclose the name or country of origin of the 37 pumps they had tested for compliance, but stated some 91% were apparently compliant. This was in spite of the fact (as pointed out by the BPMA) that the issue of non-compliant products on the UK market was costing bone fide companies millions of pounds in lost revenue and indeed placing jobs at risk.

the saga continues and the BPMA will now be going back to Government Ministers and MP’s, with whom they engaged on this issue some eighteen months ago, to once again seek their support in addressing this serious matter.

Mark Venables

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