New wind bearing test facility coming to Denmark 05 February 2024
Schaeffler, LORC (Lindø Offshore Renewables Centre) and R&D Test Systems are collaborating to build a wind bearing test facility in Lindø, Denmark.
The new facility will be built at LORC and allow Schaeffler to test its main shaft bearings for future generations of wind turbines.
The expansion of renewable energies is being driven to a great extent by wind turbines. Wind turbines are becoming larger and more powerful. The main shaft bearing system, as an integral part of the drive train, is of elementary importance, as this is where all the forces and torques exerted by the wind on the turbine add up. Schaeffler will contribute actively to the development of multi-megawatt wind turbines.
The investment includes grants from the Danish GreenLab programme. Test programmes should be running by the end of 2025.
Dr. Michael Pausch, chief technology officer industrial Schaeffler, said: “With LORC, one of the most experienced operators of test facilities for wind turbine drivetrains, we have found a partner to help us further expand our know-how and our product performance. We now have the opportunity to shape the development of the next generations of wind turbines with suitable testing technology and method development.”
Bernd Endres, vice president business unit wind at Schaeffler Industrial, said: “We have been gaining valuable insights for the development of bearing solutions since 2011 with our large-size bearing test bench 'Astraios,’ the world’s most powerful test bench at the time. With the new test facility, we will now be able to advance into new and future dimensions and contribute to a more rapid development of reliable multi-megawatt turbines.”
Operations Engineer
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