New ABB partners bring automation to smaller plants 09 March 2011
ABB has launched a partner programme that, according to the automation giant, will bring process automation to smaller plants.
Graham Isherwood, manager of ABB's Open Control Systems business, says the ABB Automation Solution Providers scheme has now grown to 25 process automation partners across the UK and Ireland.
Industries covered include food and beverage, pharmaceutical, chemical, oil and gas, waste to energy, environmental and recycling, and Isherwood says users can expect DCS functionality in the form of small hybrid controllers, Freelance DCS and Compact 800 products.
"Both the pricing and functionality of our middle ground or hybrid products means they span applications that previously would have attracted a SCADA/PLC solution," he explains.
"There are a huge range of systems and applications that don't fall neatly into the categories of continuous processes or discrete automation," he adds.
"These are exciting times. We can offer a new and better way to develop and deliver automation solutions across the board, bringing ABB's DCS expertise and ease of use to all automation tasks."
Brian Tinham
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