Moons’ introduces ‘smart’ Stepper drives 26 June 2024

(Image credit: Moons’ Industries)

Moons’ Industries has introduced its smart multi-axis series of Stepper Drives, which are designed to optimise manufacturing and safety across a range of applications.

The Multi-Axis series comprises two product lines: the SSDC and STF series. They are ideally suited to a range of motion control applications, meeting the requirements of customers across various industries, including automation, robotics and medical devices.

The SSDC series is an advanced, Step-Servo drive (closed loop stepper system) which is designed to recognise the importance of integration by supporting multiple fieldbus protocols, enabling simple incorporation into existing systems and devices. A range of control options include pulse/direction control, analogue control, multiple fieldbus protocols (Modbus, CANopen, SCL/eSCL commands, EtherNet/IP and EtherCAT) ensures unparalleled flexibility. Furthermore, a stand-alone programmable function (Q Programmer) allows users to tailor and optimise their specific motion control systems.

The STF series has been developed as a range of fieldbus control stepper drives, incorporating a motion controller to enable open-loop control. This series is said to provide customers with a streamlined and economical option for their motion control application, delivering value for money, without compromising performance.

Both the SSDC and STF series prioritise safety, featuring safe torque off (STO) inputs to ensure protection in critical applications. This function also allows for the secure disabling of the drive’s output torque, preventing unintended motor movement and enhancing overall system safety.

Operations Engineer

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