Moons’ develops motors to help humanoid robots 25 July 2024

(Image credit: Moons’ Industries)

Moons’ Industries is to release new products through 2024 that will help customers stay ahead of the challenges required to keep advance the human robot development curve.

According to Moons’ Industries, humanoid robots are offering increasingly promising solutions to manufacturing companies that can calculate the ROI (Return on Investment) with improved productivity, product quality, and employee satisfaction. This approach centres on automating some physically demanding, repetitive and precise (dull) tasks, something for which is becoming increasingly hard to find reliable workers.

Engineers are also said to be grappling with creating robot hands that match the strength and dexterity of human hands. Currently, the dexterous hands available in the industry are claimed to be a far cry from the capabilities of the human hand.

Moon’s Industries, a motions and drives specialist, is involved the robotics and automation segment with advanced dextrous hands using its products. For example, the company’s super-hollow shaft stepper motors can make a difference to the complexity of today's robot articulation challenges.

Moons’ has developed a range of slotless and coreless motors which offer the combination of high torque, low noise, a lack of cogging in an ultra-compact package.

The result is smoother and precise high speed and low speed operation which helps to optimise control and improve robotic efficiency. In addition, the company’s robotic joints with harmonic gears and range of frameless BLDC motors is expected to offer solutions to the challenges that have made producing a general-purpose human-robot cost-prohibitive.

Operations Engineer

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