Manufacturing conference aims to re-energise British exports and reshore production14 January 2014

How can Britain double its exports by 2020 and bring manufacturing home? EEF, the manufacturer's organisation, will seek answers at its third National Manufacturing Conference – 'Make it Britain' – on Tuesday 4 March, 2014 at the QE2 Centre, Westminster.

Senior industrialists and politicians will question how to turn the current reshoring trickle into a torrent that re-builds thriving supply chains, and how to meet the Chancellor's target doubling of exports - to £1 trillion - over the next six years.

Keynote speakers at the conference, sponsored by asset finance provider Lombard, include Business Secretary Vince Cable and GKN chief executive Nigel Stein.

They will be joined by manufacturing exporters, including Angus Thirwell, CEO and co-founder of Hotel Chocolat; Tony Caldeira, CEO of Caldeira Group, and Sarah Brown, managing director of PAI Skincare.

Panelists will also include Chris Sullivan, chief executive of RBS Corporate Banking Division, and Crispin Simon, managing director of Trade for UKTI, who will outline the help available from government to break into overseas markets and re-shore operations.

The conference, which will be chaired by broadcaster Emily Maitlis, will coincide with the publication of a major EEF research report into reshoring. The study will examine the growing trend for companies to bring production back to the UK, the drivers behind it, and the contribution this can make to our economy.

Shadow Business Secretary Chuka Umunna will be guest speaker at the conference dinner, together with political commentator Matthew Paris.

The picture shows EEF chief executive Terry Scuoler.

Ian Vallely

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EEF (Engineering Employers Federation)

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