Maltese energy giant plans power station decommissioning 30 June 2011
Enemalta, the Maltese state-owned energy utility, is currently reviewing two existing power stations – Marsa and Delimara – as part of its mid-term planning.
Specialist UK-based engineering consultancy RVA Group is preparing outline plant decommissioning plans, with a view to creating a monitoring programme and waste management plan.
Marsa is expected to be phased out by 2015, so the RVA team is also developing a full decommissioning plan for this plant, with recommendations for de-planting options, dismantling and demolition techniques.
RVA managing director Richard Vann says a detailed safety management programme will also underpin its recommendations.
"As with any decommissioning project, there are numerous factors to consider, which is why it is important to undertake extensive investigative work before a recommended plant decommissioning plan is prepared," explains Vann.
"There can never be a 'one size fits all' approach. On this particular project we have to think about removal and dismantling in the most cost-effective way for all mechanical and electrical equipment and the structures themselves."
RVA's plans – which are to be submitted to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA) for approval – will detail how, in what sequence and over what period of time this project should be pursued, together with an estimate of the resources required, security protocols and the costs involved.
The authorised, plans will then form the basis for decommissioning implementation at the appropriate time.
Brian Tinham
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RVA Group
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