Pelton wheel flowmeter monitors Dounreay decontamination 18 February 2011
UK flowmeter specialist Litre Meter has supplied customised Pelton Wheel meters for use in the latest stages of decommissioning at the Dounreay reactor in Scotland.
Parts of the site contain intermediate level radioactive material, and the flowmeter is being used to measure decontaminated water from one of the facilities.
Some of the most hazardous radioactive waste from Britain's abandoned fast reactor experiment has lain submerged in water for 50 years in the 65-metre deep vertical shaft beneath Dounreay.
Says Stuart Tod, shaft and silo facility manager at Dounreay: "We currently have a Pelton wheel meter fitted on an outlet line located within a shielded cell, which runs from an ultra filtration facility that decontaminates radioactive water from the silo.
"We have recently purchased another meter to the same specification … to be held as an essential spare should our current unit fail – although it been extremely reliable thus far."
Tod says that changing the unit, should that be required, is a relatively simple task that can be carried out quickly, "with no engineering modifications".
Brian Tinham
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